5 Tips for Creating a Clear Vision for Your Life

1. Why you should have a vision for your life

A clear vision for one’s life answers questions such as – Where do you want to be in the future?
What do you want to accomplish? What is the destination that you want to arrive at?
How does the destination look like? Why do you want to get there? When do you want to get there?
A clear vision points you to exactly what you want to be in life.
Knowing your destination will keep you traveling on the right road, even if you go off track or get lost you will be able to reset and get back on track.
The long-term vision for your life should be motivating and inspiring.
A great vision gets you excited when you think about it.
Write it down and describe in detail what the vision is and what you want to happen.

2. Ingredients for a good vision

A critical ingredient for a strong vision is to know exactly what you are willing to do to achieve your vision and also knowing what you will not do.
Both sides of the coin are equally important in determining how successful you will become.
Clarity helps you eliminate those things and activities that don’t add value to your vision.
A clear vision for success enables you to draw inward and tap into your resources, skills and abilities and also to work with others to propel you forward on your success journey.
It keeps you focused.

3. The value of a clear destination

In the absence of a clear destination one simply wanders about and is blown by the wind from one point to another.
When you encounter challenges and setbacks, your vision will keep you going.
A powerful vision translates to passion which gives you great gusto and intensity in the actions that you take.
It gives more meaning, enjoyment, pleasure and satisfaction to life. In short it increases your appetite for life.
Imagining a better brighter future helps to invigorate and inspire you and keeps you motivated even when things are tough.
You can inspire others by having a strong vision and clearly articulating it.
They are focused and work with other people to make their vision a reality.

4. Importance of having a vision

A clear vision of what you want helps you to see opportunities and possibilities around you.
It guides you in figuring out what you want to do and what actions and activities you need to do to accomplish your objective.
Vision helps you take inventory of your strengths and weaknesses.
It helps to identify your characteristics and abilities that are advantageous to achieving your vision.
Having a clear vision can also point to traits that can hinder your vision such as impatience and short term thinking.
Delaying gratification is important to enable you reap the long term rewards of your vision.

5. Keeping your vision alive

Motivate yourself by seeking inspiration from other people who had visions for their life and worked towards successfully achieving their vision.
Constantly remind yourself of your vision and take it a step further by visualizing it.


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